New approaches for managing water under regional resource conflicts - Julien Harou
Added on Aug 10, 2020
Duration: 0:13:49
This was presented at an event series convened by Manchester Environmental Research Institute to showcase water related research and was part of the ‘Water Research at Manchester - Water and Sustainable Development’ event on the 5th August 2020. Water scarcity world-wide is increasing. New approaches and tools are needed to make it easier for broad coalitions of stakeholders to understand water systems better and collaborate on water management decisions more effectively and efficiently. Particularly on regional systems, or water resources which cross borders, effective collaboration is increasingly essential. Water impacts on other economic sectors such as energy and food, and also on ecosystems. Managing water well requires understanding synergies and trade-offs with these resource systems as well. This talk will describe and give examples of approaches and tools the Univ. of Manchester is developing as part of its £8M flagship project ('Future Design and Assessment of water-energy-food-environment MegaSystems'). Professor Julien Harou is Chair in Water Engineering since 2013. Previously he was a lecturer at University College London. He has a PhD from the University of California Davis in water resources engineering and economics and an Master’s degree from Cornell University. Julien's group contributes globally leading research in water resources planning and management, water-energy-food systems, and environmental management software.
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