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April-Louise Pennant - Black British Women in Education and the Workplace Author: CoDE Added on Wed Mar 17 12:18:00 GMT 2021 Duration: 0:52:31 This paper frames the educational journeys and experiences of Black British women graduates, combining the lens of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice (BTP) within the context of Black Feminist epistemology. In particular, it focuses upon how they understand and engage with the education system, illustrating the barriers they face and the strategies they employ to navigate towards educational ‘success’. Additionally, this paper begins to explore how far Black British women graduates’ educational ‘success’ translates into the workplace, as well as the additional efforts and strategies they may need to continue to utilise or develop in order to succeed there. In this way, the paper critiques narrow notions of educational ‘success’ whilst highlighting the huge costs endured by Black British women graduates who often do not enjoy the same rewards as their peers.  

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