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COVID Catalysts | COVID-19 & changing social practices: implications for sustainable lifestyles Author: Enna Bartlett Added on Mon Sep 28 07:35:00 BST 2020 Duration: 0:05:09 Claire Hoolohan, Research Fellow at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Without warning or consent, Covid-19 caused unprecedented disruption to everyday life, prompting a period of forced experimentation as people adjusted to new ways of living. This forced experiment have us a window to observe what happens when ordinary schedules – 9-5 work day, the school run, weekdays/weekends – are suspended. What was observed was the development of low-carbon habits as disrupted routines resulted in a range of benefits from reducing local air pollution to balancing the grid. The question that faces society now is how do we recover from Covid-19 in a way that means society is healthier, happier and more sustainable than before. How can we rise to this challenge in order to lock-in low-carbon lifestyles? View all our flash lectures and find out more on our COVID Catalysts web page Energy is one of five key areas of research focus at The University of Manchester. Our research beacons shine a light on Manchester's pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships which are helping to tackle some of the biggest global challenges facing the planet. Find out more about our energy research Filmed: 26/08/20  

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