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Graphene: Membranes and their practical applications Author: NGI Added on Fri Jan 19 10:56:00 GMT 2018 Duration: 0:03:43 Graphene membranes could be used to revolutionise many practical applications. One of these applications could be fuel cells and other hydrogen-based technologies like electric cars and air powered generators. As well as hydrogen fuel cells, graphene membranes can also be used in the development of water purification and even in pharmaceutical products. This is due to the thin membranes made by graphene oxide being impermeable to all gases and vapours, except for water, making it crucial in the development of water filtration. Graphene, in conjunction with other things, can help us to make much better membranes for many processes, from water treatments through to gas separations such as carbon dioxide removal. Graphene: Energy Graphene: Composites Graphene: The Development Of Graphene Paint  

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